Multi Biscuit Jointer Prototype

The multi biscuit jointer is a prototype machine designed to quickly joint carcases using biscuit joints. It can machine up to 5 biscuit slots simultaneously. It also has a drilling attachment for drilling up to 6 screw holes simultaneously. Tooley Park Furniture is keen to talk to any companies who would be interesting in developing this prototype for production. There is a facebook page set up to explain more about the machine and see it working.


The machine can joint boards up to 600mm wide.

The minimum board width using 5 joints (no 20 biscuits) with a 13mm gap either end for a screw is 528 mm.

The minumum board width using 4 joints is 528mm – 108mm = 420mm (again allowing for a 13mm gap either end).

For 3 joints the minimum width is 420mm – 108mm = 312mm and so on.

Minimum board thickness is 12mm.

Maximum board thickness is 26mm.

Any board thickness between these sizes can be jointed.

The machine can be set up to use any of the biscuit joint sizes.




A sped up version of cutting biscuit slots and drilling screw holes for one carcase.